13 Months!
- You have 4 teeth. 2 top. 2 bottom.
- You are talking more! You say "eye" and then proceed to poke whoever is around in the "eye". You say "hi". I think you are trying to say more but so far I can only make out a few words. You might have been trying to say "dog" and "baby" this morning?
- You ate a taquito last night ALL BY YOURSELF!! I am so proud! You only choked once ; )
- Food still comes out of your nose and you still can't suck yet. When you pucker up to make a smooch sound..I can hear it, but it's not coming from your mouth. It is coming from the hole in your palate (that is closing in Jesus name!)
- The toy in the pictures is one of your absolute favorites! Mom and Dad gave it to you for your birthday. You would not put it down! You drag it around by the mic that only worked for less than 24 hours due to the slobber from you "talking" in it! (See picture above) You'd think they would make those slobber proof?!
- You do like flirting with people, from a distance. When they try to hold or touch you, your shyness or anxiety kicks in. We are still working on that!
I do wish you had family around to spoil and adore you. You deserve it! =)
I Love You Son!