Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Curly ~ Fries

The plan for the day was to see the Thunderbirds but apparently it ended at the time we thought it started. So, picnic at the park instead!

Notice in most of these pictures my child is cramming curly fries in his mouth

It was both exciting and disturbing to watch!

We had a good time

By the way, this gorgeous park is 10 minutes from my house..

Yep! I'm a Colorado Girl!


  1. I love all of the pictures you guys are so goood looking!... Gosh! :-D
    mmm. Aunt April.. loves some curly fires too.. yay Judah! The park is beautiful! Maybe one day I will see it for myself.. <3

  2. :) I am so happy to see you three out enjoying the day! It is beautiful there. Judah is blessed to grow up so close to such beauty. :)
    Udi, and his curly fries, sooooo cute!
    He is sporting those sunglasses isn't he?
    Lovely pics, thanks for posting them.

  3. That is so beautiful! I really like Matthew's new hairstyle too - so distinguished :)

    I'm glad Judah's appetite is ramping up - that's just awesome - he is so gorgeous and you look so happy honey

    Love you,


  4. Wait 'til he learns circles! He will love curly fires even more. I love the glasses! He's such a cutie! That's a beautiful park. Miss you and love you lots!
